Using the Dreamweaver HTML Help Pages™

The Dreamweaver HTML Help Pages™ provide comprehensive information about all Dreamweaver features. They also introduce several exciting innovations in online documentation.

For the best experience, we strongly recommend that you use Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher on Windows, and Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher on the Macintosh. (We do not recommend that you use Internet Explorer for Macintosh because it cannot play the Show Me movies.) If you use a 3.0 browser, all the content is still accessible, but some features (such as Search) will not work.

The Dreamweaver HTML Help Pages make extensive use of JavaScript. Make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser. If you plan to use the Search feature, make sure that Java is enabled as well.

Guided Tour and Show Me movies
The Guided Tour and Show Me movies are an animated introduction to key features. The Guided Tour includes all the Show Me movies in sequence. You can also view individual Show Me movies in their respective overview topics.

This icon indicates that a topic contains a Show Me movie. This icon indicates that a topic contains a Show Me movie.

Show Me movies require the Shockwave Director plugin, which is included on the Dreamweaver CD. If you purchased your copy of Dreamweaver electronically, you can download the latest Shockwave plugin from the Macromedia web site at

Table of contents
Use the table of contents to see all information organized by subject. Click top-level entries to view subtopics.

Use the index as you would a traditional printed index to find important terms and jump to related topics.

Use Search to find any character string in all topic text. Search requires a 4.0 browser with Java enabled.

Note: Java is a bit slow on the Macintosh, which may cause searches to take several minutes to finish. There is no need to wait until the search is complete before clicking on found topics, however; the search will continue in the background as you browse through the found files.

To search for a phrase, simply type the phrase into the text entry box.

Entering a phrase in the Search window

To search for files that contain two keywords (for example, layers and styles), separate the search terms with a plus (+) sign.

Entering multiple search terms in the Search window

Context sensitive links
Click the Help button in any dialog box, or the question mark icon in inspectors, windows, and palettes to open a relevant help topic.

Navigation bar
Use the buttons on the Navigation bar to move through topics.

Back and Forward function like the browser's Back and Forward buttons, taking you to topics you have just been viewing.

Previous and Next move to the previous or next topic in a section (following the topic order listed in the table of contents).

What's New links to the Dreamweaver Developers Center web site and displays the What's New page.